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Writer's pictureDanielle Gonzales

An Overview of Reiki Healing and Session Protocol

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

While many people may have heard of Reiki, they may not fully understand what it is or how (and if) it actually works. Reiki is a methodology that once explained, may be even harder to fathom or conceptualize until one experiences a session for themselves.

It is my hope that this post helps to de-mystify how Reiki works and what to expect in a typical healing session. This post is meant to serve as a high-level overview, so please feel free to check out and IARP's pages for additional information. As always, I've included a few quick links below to help with navigation, cheers!


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a spiritual and energetic healing art originating in Japan. Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered this ancient healing art which he passed down through various grandmasters of Reiki. The Usui System of Natural Healing is still the most commonly practiced form of Reiki. The word Reiki originates from the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal life, and “ki” meaning “energy”. Practitioners of Reiki have been trained and attuned to this methodology, and allow themselves to be a channel for this dynamic and abundant healing energy. It is also important to mention that Reiki is not affiliated with any specific religion or religious practice.

How Reiki Works

Since Reiki is the energy that flows through all living and non-living things, practitioners open to receive and direct this energy to the client. This energy is not coming directly from the practitioner, but rather directly from source for the purpose of healing, relaxation, and restoration. Reiki energy flows through the energy points of the practitioner’s hands and is directed to targeted locations within the client’s body, usually in alignment with the 7 primary energy centers or “chakras”. The Reiki practitioner will typically identify these areas via a preliminary scan of the client’s energetic field at the start of a Reiki session. It is also important to mention that Reiki energy flows where it is most needed and is not dictated by the practitioner, but rather by the client’s higher-self/subconscious.

While the specific Reiki process may vary based on the practitioner and their sensitivities, the way I personally identify focus areas may be at the point of connection (as I will feel where to focus within my own body along with the current emotional state of the client), or by identifying hot/cold, or disruptive spots during the preliminary energetic scan. These spots are usually indicative of pockets of stuck or stagnant energy, that may or may not be felt physically by the client at the time of the session. This stagnant energy is usually comprised of residual emotional remnants or prior physical trauma. In short, our thoughts, emotions, experiences, and environments all have the potential to settle energetically throughout various points within our bodies. These energetic remnants can disrupt the flow of energy and may even manifest physically within our bodies.


~ Benefits of Reiki ~


Revitalizes the body and mind

Promotes relaxation

Awakens creativity

Strengthens one’s life force

Stimulates energetic flow throughout the body

Promotes energetic balance and harmony

Reduces bodily tension

Decreased pain perception

Reduced stress and anxiety

Mood improvements

Increased positive emotions

Improved emotional regulation

Sleep regulation

Supports the body’s ability to heal

Encourages emotional release

Decreased severity of PMS symptoms

While Reiki carries a multitude of potential benefits, it is important to always work concurrently work with your doctor, therapist, or primary caregiver for any health-related condition. If you are sick or suffering, you should always consult your doctor. Additionally, Reiki practitioners do not diagnose illness or disease and do not prescribe medication. The benefits below are in no way meant to be construed as the diagnosis or treatment of disease, but rather as an aid to balancing one’s energy and potentially improving general wellness.


What to Expect During an In-Person Reiki Session

Reiki sessions typically last 45-50 minutes with a 10-15 minute consultation period before or after to discuss client concerns and session specifics. Reiki sessions do not include any kind of massage, and clients will always remain fully clothed (with the exception of their shoes). Clients are always in control during a Reiki session, and should freely communicate concerns or discomfort as soon as possible.

To begin the actual treatment session, clients will be asked to lay face up on a massage table or sit comfortably in a chair (for shorter sessions). Since Reiki is a hands-on or hands-off modality, client preference dictates whether or not touch is preferred. In instances of no-touch therapy, the practitioner will simply hold their hands above the client’s body throughout the session. Reiki energy will flow regardless. The practitioner will typically perform a brief opening ritual to attune to Reiki energy, call in spiritual and energetic help, and connect to the client’s energy. Clients may also be asked to flip over and lay face down to complete the second half of the Reiki session.

Just as each person differs, each Reiki session differs. Since energy is released at different points when it is ready to heal, healing is both dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. This makes each individual Reiki session a new and unique experience. Some clients become very relaxed and may even fall asleep during the session, while others prefer to talk, yawn, or may even cry. This is all perfectly normal and acceptable as we all release and work through energy and emotions differently. It is also common to experience tingling, temperature changes, spurts of emotions, or nothing at all. As a practitioner, I prefer to follow client cues to align with their comfort level and facilitate the healing process.

Once the treatment portion of the session has been completed, a discussion will follow to talk through any additional insights received during the session. This is also a great time to talk through any follow up suggestions, questions, or concerns.

What to Expect During a Distance Reiki Session

Since Reiki is a hands-on or hands-off healing modality, it is just as effective regardless of the distance between client and practitioner. To begin the session, the practitioner will contact the client to confirm the start of the distance session. It is important that once the distance Reiki session begins, clients agree to not drive, operate machinery, or perform other potentially dangerous tasks during the session. The actual treatment portion of the session will last between 20-25 minutes.

Just as each person differs, each Reiki session differs. Since energy is released at different points when it is ready to heal, healing is both dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. This makes each individual Reiki session a new and unique experience. Some clients become very relaxed and may even fall asleep during the session, while others prefer to talk, yawn, or may even cry. This is all perfectly normal and acceptable as we all release and work through energy and emotions differently. It is also common to experience tingling, temperature changes, spurts of emotions, or nothing at all. It may help to have a blanket or fan handy to help with any temperature changes and remain comfortable and relaxed.

Once the treatment portion of the session has been completed, you will be contacted talk through any additional insights received during the session. This is also a great time to talk through any follow up suggestions, questions, or concerns.


What To Do After A Reiki Session

Post-session hydration is very important as it helps to purge any toxins and old energy released during the Reiki session. Water is also a good conduit for electricity, so staying hydrated helps energy flow more efficiently.

Relax and reflect. Be fully aware of the present moment and give yourself alone time to process anything that has come to the surface.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid caffeine, processed foods and sugars, alcohol and tobacco. This helps your body focus on healing and increases your vibration.
Be mindful of your thoughts. Our perspective creates our reality, and our thoughts create our perspective. What we say to ourselves becomes our truth, our mantra. Make sure that whatever you are saying makes you feel good about who you are.
Take some notes or start a journal. Write down repetitive thoughts, signs, feelings and dreams. Notice how certain people, places, or habits make you feel. Journaling helps us make sense of our lives and gives us the data we need to take positive action.
Perform a cleansing ritual for your space (optional).

Practice gratitude! I understand this is often easier said than done, but try to focus on what you have instead of what you lack. The reason behind this is because gratitude lifts us up and lightens our hearts. If this is difficult, try to start small by being thankful for an immediate family member or friend, or your favorite memory with a loved one, your favorite breakfast or movie, or just for being alive today. When we get into the habit of focusing on gratitude, we form new habits, making this process easier over time.

Interested in experiencing a Reiki treatment for yourself?

Have additional questions or concerns before scheduling?

Just ask!

P: (602) 323.6866



About Me

Hi and thank you for stopping by! My name is Danielle Gonzales and I am a professionally trained Psychic, Medium, Channel, Reiki Practitioner, Intuitive Card Reader, Advanced Angel Practitioner, and Physical Empath. This means that I can feel your energy and that of spirit (human, animals, angels, guides, etc.) to receive messages and insights through sight, sounds, physical and emotional sensations, and intuitive understanding.

As an Arizona native, I've spent the past 15 years in healthcare, obtaining my B.S. in Business and Healthcare Management in 2021. Although this work made an impact, I felt that I could be of service in a deeper, more meaningful way. I began training as a professional psychic-medium in 2017, achieving Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki training and attunements in the years to follow. In 2022, I obtained certification as an Advanced Angel Practitioner, and completed advanced channeling training in 2023. ​

​Prior to stepping into this space, I believed that my sensitivities were more of a curse than a blessing. With the help of experienced mentors, ongoing self-work, continuous training, and my spiritual team, I now see my sensitivities as what they really are; blessings and tools to help others. The gratitude I hold for this transformation and to source are the foundation of all that I do. 

To learn more about me and how I work, click here.

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